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Reinforcement Detailing

Reinforcement Detailing
Quick and easy reinforcement detailing. Drawing of reinforcement bars and shear links. Automatic hooks and bends. Hole details. Automatic reinforcement generation for slabs with arbitrary shapes. Automatic bending schedules and BOM.


ZWCAD add-on for quick and easy drawing of reinforcement bars and shear links:

  • Drawing of arbitrary bars using concrete edges.
  • insertion of many standard bar shapes and links;
  • automatic hooks and bends;
  • automatic labels, calculation of numbers and lengths;
  • automatic label update after drawing modification;
  • automatic reinforcement detailing for slabs with arbitrary shapes;
  • details around holes in concrete;
  • automatic bending schedule and BOM;
  • bending schedule to BS8666.


Most programs require you to define bars shape numbers. With this program you do not need to bother about them anymore. Just draw the bar as you need it. The bending scheduling program will automatically recognize the shape number using a special algorithm.  If the bar matches one of the standard shapes, the corresponding shape number is assigned. Otherwise, shape number 99 is assigned. Unlike most of other programs bars are not locked and are not blocks. You are free to modify them using standard ZWCAD commands (e.g.  stretch, trim, extend etc.). Bar data will be updated automatically. This provides you with extreme flexibility.

The slab detailing command is extremely powerful and easy. You can cover any shape entirely with reinforcement mesh with a single click. The required numbers and lengths of bars are calculated automatically. They are cut and lapped where necessary. Finally, a compact drawing is generated, where a sequence of equal bars are represented by a single member and its arrangement zone.  You need to define slab edge and all areas or strips with different or additional reinforcement inside the slab as closed polylines. Then, only a few minutes are required to draw all the reinforcement inside them.

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