
Additional Ways of Communicating Drawings

Plotting and Batch Plotting
You canplot drawings to files or topaper. Multiple options are available to fine-tune the result, such as specifying the paper size, setting the plot scale, selecting a plot style, or adding plotstamps. In addition, you can plot an entire list of .pltfiles in a single sessionusing the batch plot facility. This greatly saves time, especially when you reuse the .plt files another time.
                                                  Batch plot

PublishingDrawing Sets
The publish function outputs one or more drawingsto DWF format or to plotters. If necessary, each drawing can be plotted on a different sheet, through the use of page setups. You specify "sheet sets," and then choose to publish one or many sheets. DWF is a safe and quick way to share your drawings with others.

Exporting Drawings

The export function helps you communicate drawing information with other applications. Drawings can be exported to formats that includeBMP, WMF, EMF, SVG, EPS, PDF, and SAT. It is very useful in thatyou can combine drawings with files from other applications, such as Word, Excel, and Photoshop.


The eTransmitfunction is designed to easily share drawings by email. With a click, it collects the drawing and all associated files into asingle package. The package includesthe images, fonts, and external references used by the drawing. It is a convenient way for communicating with others, or just moving your drawings to another computer.


Realistic renderings of 3D modelsproduce more convincing presentations to clients than do2D drawings. ZWCAD provides a rich variety of materials, multiple light types, and environmental settings to generate renderings. It is a good way to show off your design vision, and to verify it with others.